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Registration Details

Registration fee particulars for conference

It is advised to do advance registration for the conference to avoid last minute hassle. Registration will be limited to the number that the facility can accommodate efficiently. Registration fee covers, a copy of the souvenir, abstracts, admission to all presentations and poster sessions, exhibit area, conference lunch, receptions and refreshment breaks. In addition, each full program registrant will receive a set of proceedings to be published and mailed soon after the conference.

* Student registrants are not entitled to copy of proceedings, and proof must be submitted at the time of registration.

TypePaid before 15th September 2024Registration Across the desk 2024
Delegate RegistrationINR 4000/- or US $ 300INR 5000/- or US $ 350
Students & Research scholarsINR 1500/- or US $ 50INR 2000/- or US $ 100

    Provisional time schedules

    Last date to submit abstract15th September 2024
    Notification of paper acceptance20th September 2024
    Final papers due25th September 2024

      Pre-Conference Workshop

      As an effective prelude to ICEM –2024, an innovative, educative and informative workshop is planned, preceding the conference for the benefit of post graduate students and research scholars and other aspirant who are actively involved in environmental related subjects and technologies. Interested attendees are encouraged to apply early, as participation will be limited for the workshops.

      * Registration fee is INR 2500/ -

      Event 22nd August 2027Coordinator
      WorkshopGeo AI and Immersive Technologies EIADr. T.Vijaya Lakshmi

        Advertisement Tariffs

        Advertisement TypePrice
        Back CoverINR 30,000/-
        Inside Back CoverINR 25000/-
        Full PageINR 15000/-

          Post Conference Field Trips

          Post conference field trips are planned in and around Hyderabad, known as the “Pearl City” which will give an opportunity for socializing and interacting with delegates of the conference on topics of their mutual interest. Delegates are encouraged to apply early as participation will be limited for field trips.

          Field Trip 1Nagarjuna Sagar (one day)INR 2500/-US$ 100
          Field Trip 2Srisailam (Two day)INR 4000/-US$ 150
          Field Trip 3Hyderabad City Tour (one day)INR 1000/-US$ 75

            Travel / Reception and Accommodation

            The conference will be held at JNT University Hyderabad (JNTUH)– 500085., Telangana., India. For delegates Hotel rooms can be reserved by the Conference Secretariat at the City’s best Luxury / middle level hotels as per their requisition. Once the requisition is given in the registration form, advance pre-paid bookings will be entertained by conference secretariat.

              Mode of Offline Payment

              All payments in connection with ICEM 2024 can be made by any one of the following method:

              (i) Either by Demand Draft or Cheque in favor of: Conference Secretary-ICEM2024, payable at SBI JNTUH Branch, Hyderabad, India on all nationalized / scheduled banks.

              (ii) Spot, across the desk registration can be done either with Cheque, Demand Draft, and master / visa card or by cash.